Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday Night March 2nd

Sorry for blogging two days late!

Monday Night was incredible due to our beloved DLA group!
DLA recently went through (I think) two different events this last week. At one of them, they were trained on how to give encouraging, prophetic words from a team from Washington. I don't know all of the details, but I was approached by Dan Perkins and Joe Couch asking if they could bless the furnace by giving us each individually encouraging prophetic words.
It was such a blessing. It wasn't weird, or pushed but it was right on. During the first hour, they took people out individually to meet with a group of DLA students who prayed and gave words of encouragement specifically about their true identity in Christ. I was blown away by how God spoke through them! It was powerful for many including myself. I walked away changed!

I am excited to see the furnace and DLA walk in their true identity.

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