Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Magic Carpit Ride

Hey Gang,
I've finally got my prayer leaders blog up......YAY! Now you all will have a weekly dose of my creative writing medicine. With regular treatments we will all be free thinking, grounded, passionate regulars of the Magic Carpet Ride...... that is the official name of saturday nights.

ok......to get down to biz-nass

First, contrary to popular belief i was actually at work last week not out on a hot date. I would have given you notice if i had been going out. i didn't called in to work until thursday so i didn't have much of a chance to give you all warning

Secondly, This semester we are going to take a bit of a different approach to how we go about our prayer topics. i expect you to come prepared to pray for others. we will spend most of our time praying for countries, this generation, our friends, family, and co-workers....our fellow students.....our worthless laxadazicle roommates.......our enemys.......in short....OTHERS. our prayer focus will allways be outward (unless God trumps the evening). not only will our focus be outward but i welcome you to bring in your prayer request and what God has given you a heart for. Saturday night is your prayer meeting and that is what makes it so magical.

Thirdly, your homework is still due this next week. for those of you who missed it, the homework was to ask you co-workers and fellow students if they had any prayer request and to bring them in ON PAPER so that we could pray coperatly for each others friends.

Forthly, i do have a girl friend and we decided to do valentines day on another day so that it would not iterfer with the prayer meeting.

Fithly, from now on my blogs will be more short essays of the night not usless list like this on

Sixthly, im just trying to come up with more points so my blog looks really awesome and long

Seventhly, i do not know if seventhly is really a word but i still used it any way........that is one of the perks of being the prayer leader, i can do what i want

Eithely, i know no one really reads these but if you do i give you permission to come up and give me a hard time after you read this one so i know you read it that these are actually read.

1 comment:

The Furnace said...

Awesome! I especially like the eighthly point.