Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday Night Prayer

Last night, Monday night prayer meeting went prayer walking in downtown Colorado Springs.

So about 12 of us went downtown and had a great time. Casen Cruz took half of the team to the boulder street church and interceded for them and I went to the Tejon/Acacia Park area. Prayer walking is so effective because you see/feel/sense more when the people and buildings are right in front of you...

When I was praying for the meeting before hand, I felt God show me that he would guide and direct the prayers that come out of our mouth. Its overwhelming to know that we know very little of what is going on in people's lives. They might be going through a death in their friends/family, having trouble financially, have deep hurt, or have addictions but we don't know all those specific things to pray for. Yet God knows all of those things, and if we listen, he will lead us to pray for the right things at the right time! And that's exactly what he did last night. I firmly believe that God gave us specifics, some real life changing opportunities to stand in the gap and intercede for a people that need it.

Monday night will be doing this again soon. Kudos to those who went!
-Josiah Carlson

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